12th Mar 2025
Employment law has developed in to a sophisticated and distinct branch of law. Previously governed by principles of contract and constitutional law it has now evolved through a substantial body of legislation and regulation into a specialty in itself. Hughes & Liddy solicitors have vast experience in dealing with all aspects of employment law. We can advise you in relation to the following:-
· Unfair Dismissals.
· Wrongful/Constructive Dismissals.
. Breach of terms and conditions of contract of employment
· Bullying & Harassment in the workplace.
· Age, Sex and Race Discrimination.
· Redundancy - Voluntary and Statutory.
· Short time and lay offs.
· Employment contracts - advising or drafting.
· Maternity leave.
· Illness at work.
· Adoptive leave
· Carer Leave
. Payment of wages and holiday pay
. Disciplinary procedures.
. Acquired Rights Directive/Transfer of Undertakings
We can advise you and undertake proceedings on your behalf to prosecute or defend claims before the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT), the Rights Commissioners, the Equality Tribunal or the Civil Courts to secure your rights and entitlements.
Claims and defences must be lodged expediously before these statutory employment tribunals otherwise you cannot be heard.Acting quickly is paramount. In bringing or defending proceedings before any of these fora it is our view that your should instruct qualified legal professionals to act on your behalf.
Please telephone us on 1800229229 for a 'no obligation' consultation or email William Joyce or Brendan Liddy